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How to Meditate?

"I can't meditate! What do I do?"

A lot of people presume that meditation is some sort of a talent which the gurus and the mahatmas have by birth and others just don't. That's a big misconception.

Meditation is simply a state of consciousness which can be built by a bit of practice. With more practice, this state of meditation can be sustained for longer which will bring us the many fruits that the gurus and the mahatmas are known to enjoy!

So, what is this 'state of consciousness' and what is the 'process' to get there?

Let's start with the 'states of Consciousness'. Modern science recognises only three states - Waking (jaagrat), Deep sleep (sushupti) and Dreaming (swapna).

However, Vedantic scientists identified and proposed the fourth state - 'Samaadhi' or 'Turiya'.

In the Waking state - the individual is 'aware' of his/her own body, senses and the outward world.

In the Deep Sleep state - the individual loses all awareness of his/her own body as well as the outward world.

In the Dream state, the individual is able to perceive himself/herself but not the outward world. He/she creates and internal reality.

The Samaadhi or Turiya state is the state which is where one's awareness is active but it is not focussed on outward or inward reality. The person is awake in the normal sense but detached from the outer reality.

One can reach this state following the 8 limbed or Ashtaang Yoga of the Patanjali. But wait - did you just say -"Baapre! Itna time kiske paas hai (who has so much time!). Can't I just learn to meditate?!

So, yes, the meditation or Dhyaan, which is the seventh state of Ashtaang Yoga, precedes 'Samadhi' and is a very accessible state.

"How do I get there already!" To get into the state of meditation, one has to cross the first two steps. 1. Pratyahara or Detachment from the outer world and focussing inward (where is this 'inward'?) and 2. Dharana meaning Concentration on a subject.

Inward is simply - not 'outward'. So when you sit down to meditate, don't think of school, homework, office, appraisal, girlfriend, cheeseburger, trains, elephants whatever else that occupies your usual awake mind. Instead, gently try to 'detach' your mind from all of this routine thinking that clogs your mind.

"But that's impossible!" Hmmm...or is it? Well, I give it to you. It is a pretty impossible task considering how many times your phone buzzes due to Whatsapp, Facebook and what not! Plus, there is that sugar high that we are almost always on! So, yeah! Near impossible!

But there is a trick! We use the mind's own tendency to wander and combine it with a bit of attention 'candy' - a 'Mantra' or 'breath' or the image of a deity to train it to 'meditate'.

So, for instance, I

choose to focus my attention on my breath, I focus on my breath as I inhale and then as I exhale. Inhale, Exhale. Inhale, Exhale!! Gotta finish my project! Arre Preeti looked lovely in that black dress today! Wait isn't the credit card payment due today? Oh wait! I was meditating. What was I doing? Oh Yeah! Inhale, Exhale, Inhale, Exhale..........

Isn't that how our mind wanders? We do this over and over and slowly, the mind realizes that it is tied to the breath and finds it is easier to relax than to run around those random bunch of things from one's day-to-day stuff.

Once it settles down, it is then that we realize that it is possible to stay awake and not have an object to focus on - breath is enough! This stage is 'Dharana'.

And eventually - the focus on breath is also not required. This is "Dhyana" or meditation! :)

What! Did you say 'Train to meditate'?!

Yup! One trains to meditate, much like one trains to run a marathon. Any one did a 5k, 10k or a 42k on day one? Naah!! So it is with Meditation. You start with 10 secs, then 30 secs and then one min and so on!

So, shall we begin!

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